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When facing adversity, it is easy to believe we are weak, alone and abandoned. Nothing could be farther from the truth. On the contrary, adversity is often what introduces us to the stronger, more resilient versions of ourselves. It is often what teaches us about the presence and love of God. This inspiring book is a personal exploration of the author's own vulnerabilities and an honest attempt to help you mature and boldly face your own challenges. Strongly supported by Biblical examples, FROM THE ASHES, encourages the reader to learn important lessons taught by difficult times. It encourages us to be creative and to take advantage of opportunities our problems bring with them. This is a book that reveals the true nature of a loving God and gives the reader all the tools necessary to emerge victoriously from life's battles.

second to none book cover

Americans are living longer, making the future for home care services a very bright one indeed. As the aging population continues to grow, so does the demand for services that help patients and caregivers cope with illness and disability. There has never been a better time for the providers of those services to fine tune their workforce for competence and competitiveness. Home care agencies need professionals to deliver excellent care and also to remain mindful of the company’s bottom line. SECOND TO NONE is a trainer for those practitioners. The author, Maryse Nelson, a seasoned professional, offers sound advice on the all-important triad of the patient, the company and the home care practitioner. This guide should be required reading for all home care professionals especially newcomers to the field. The review questions, after each chapter, are thought provoking and will result in very positive actions and outcomes. As an important orientation tool, this manual will teach practitioners some facts they never learned in school and get them off to an excellent start. Follow the author’s advice, provide care that is second to none and make yours the company of choice for home care services!

Le trouble nous apporte des leçons très importantes à apprendre. Elles sont en réalité des cadeaux de Dieu qui nous rendent plus intelligents, plus sages et mieux équipés pour relever les défis qui nous attendent. Ce livre est pour vous. Dans ses pages, vous découvrirez que vous n'êtes jamais seul dans votre souffrance. Vous apprendrez à examiner votre situation et à déterminer le plan de Dieu pour votre vie. Dieu ne commet jamais d'erreurs et Il vous aime. Il y a une raison pour votre tempête. Il vous a déjà donné votre clé de victoire. Alors prenez une profonde inspiration et préparez-vous à vous sortir des cendres!



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